Wednesday, 23 July 2014

RE.: "The Bible was written by fallible human beings, so we cannot sensibly consider it the infallible Word of God."

Show me a significant contradiction.

We all have the right to question the infallibility and trustworthiness of the Bible and challenge the notion that it is the Holy Word of God. So how can we reasonably test to see whether Biblical scripture is "God-breathed"? A start would be to verify its consistency. Since God is perfect, therefore His word is perfect. You'll find in the Bible odd mathematical errors, chronological change-ups, and perhaps even exaggerations of historical events, but, with a right understanding of how divine inspiration works, we can dismiss these as minor contradictions. These are minor because they do not alter the message or the grand narrative in any considerable way. 

I think the data shows that the text is pretty reliable and pretty consistent.   

Deny prophecy?

If a church goer, a self-professing Christian, agrees with the logic that says "because the Bible was written by fallible Man, it can't be the infallible Word of God", are they not denying the long-held, traditional, Church-wide belief in prophecy?

Deny a personal God?

A scarier thought, though, is that if you deny that God can speak to people and through people, you're ultimately positing an impersonal, un-interactive, immobile God. 

Why do you worship this guy? 

Ultimately putting a restriction on God.

The more fundamental issue here, though, is that the person in agreement with the entitled statement puts a restriction on God's power, what He can and cannot do. 

He cannot speak to His people.
He cannot use language to deliver messages to His people.
He cannot employ His people.
He is finite.

Are we too much of a hassle for God?

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